Young Adults (4Sixteen)

Learn more about our young adults group.


From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.

-- Ephesians 4:16

4Sixteen is a community for Christian Young Adults, residing at Mesa Church of Christ.

4Sixteen holds their own classes on Sunday morning and Wednesday Evening. Along with weekly classes, there are also a number of scheduled events, activities, services and studies to strengthen our spiritual and personal relationships.

4Sixteen strives to be a place of comfort and encouragement to Christian Young adults to help remind them that they are not alone in their faith and growth in this stage of their life.

Most importantly, 4Sixteen strives for self sufficiency. The beginning of adulthood is the opportunity for every individual to fully make their faith their own. We are here to stoke the flames of passion for the Lord that lies in every individual. It is with that passion that we learn that each brother and sister holds a great amount strength and potential to serve Christ, the Church and their Community.

The verse Ephesians 4:16 tells us that the body grows and becomes strong by each piece actively serving. God's word has shown us that a community is strongest with each member actively serving and supporting one another.

It is with these core values that 4Sixteen has remained active for over a decade. Through these years its internal members have grown to learn, to organize, to support, to teach, to nurture and bring new brothers and sisters into Christ.

If you are a young adult looking for spiritual support and encouragement, know that we are here for you. Know that there are still those your age who fight for truth. Know that there is so much that you have to offer, so much you can become, and God has a plan for you.