Adult Classes

Bible classes every Sunday @ 9:30am and Wednesdays @7:00pm

Sundays 9:30am

Auditorium - The Book of Revelation w/ Ashby Camp

Revelation is a powerful visionary portrayal of God’s ultimate victory in Christ given to encourage those who are under pressure to compromise their faith. In our darkening spiritual environment, its message is especially timely. I do my best to deliver that message faithfully.

Room 104 - Following in His footsteps w/ Benjamin Koomson

A practical study on becoming like Jesus -- serving, evangelizing, being an example, praying, sacrifice & suffering, and worship & holiness. Selected parables will be used in this study.

Room 105 - Christian Athiest w/ Kim Clark

Using Craig Groeschel's book as an outline to look at how we can believe in God but live as if he doesn't exist.

Wednesdays 7:00pm

Room 104 - Ladies' Class Starting August 2nd

Through this Bible Study, we will be called to evaluate our spiritual life and growth, to uncover our true character, to trust in the God of grace, to declare victory over our true Enemy, and to find our identity in Our Savior.  This Study will serve as a reminder that prayer really is a powerful weapon. A pre homework assignment for this class is to see the movie WAR ROOM. The movie can be streamed on your options are to buy or rent the movie.

Room 105 - God's Truth w/ Adam Gatica

An overview of Biblical foundations and ways to stand up for truth.

Ladies' Class - Tuesdays 10:00am

Info TBA