Mesa Missions
Mark 16:15: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.
Matthew 28:19-20: Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Mesa Missions around the World
Jerry Cantrell produces video programs to teach the Bible in Guyana. A Report from Dr. Feroze Baksh who is preaching at Ann’s Grove, gives this report. “We are on one of two local television stations that has the widest coverage so our program reaches every corner of the country even the interior locations. We have a viewership of about 500,000. That is 75% of the population. From the calls and feedbacks we receive, the interest rate is very high. About 80% of local Christians all across Guyana that have television make it their duty to tune in; thus, showing support for what we do. We have baptized over 40 across the country and have follow up going on with many. I have over 220 students studying with me via WBS correspondence courses that we offer through the broadcasts. Brother Jerry’s lessons over the past weeks have provided great responses. Four have been baptized last week in West Demerara and Berbice and many request more information on salvation and location of congregations. It is indeed a blessing to have this medium to reach the lost here.”
The work in Venezuela led by Fernando Colina is proof of God’s divine hand guiding and leading his people through many trials. Economic woes in Venezuela have led to extreme changes in the ways things are done daily in Maracaibo as well as with the local church. The cost of gasoline has made it impossible for families to afford to travel to the building location on a weekly basis. As a result, the church has recognized four locations—Buena Vista, Bella Vista, Haticos, and San Francisco—as meeting places. Once a month all four of these come together at their building to praise God and worship together. Praise God that there were 125 in attendance at the last joint meeting; although many Christians from Maracaibo have been forced to migrate out of the country to survive. Praise God for his goodness and mercy. Fernando Colina joined Edison in El Salvador in September for a time of work and spiritual recharging! The church continues to feed 35 children and 4 adults five days a week.
El Salvador
Our work in El Salvador has many facets and connection points. We currently support three preachers in the area—Osvaldo Azucena in Ahuachapan, Noé Artero in Turin and Benancio Gonzalez in San Pedro. These men are very hard workers and dedicated to the work of the church in El Salvador. Osvaldo and Noé and their families work very closely to not only provide services for their local congregations but travel to several other locations to share the gospel and encourage the small churches. Benancio works in a very poor and much more remote area. The church there has continued to thrive with the help of Mesa mission funds on several projects. The church in Ahuachapan is in the process of purchasing land to build their own building. Rent is going up in their current location, and there is a need for their own place to worship.
George Achard was not able to go to Myanmar this year because of Covid-19 but the work continues. Burmese preachers and local congregations continue to evangelize and worship regardless of Covid-19 and the military takeover of the Myanmar government. Philip is a local Burmese evangelist in these pictures on a mission trip to Pyay which is North of the capital city.
Mesa Missions in the United States
Adventures in Missions
Landon Ubrig is in Wasilla, Alaska, and Jonathan Green has just begun his training in AIM. Landon Ubrig will be completing his AIM mission in Wasilla, Alaska, in 2022. He and his team have visited most of the churches in Alaska with the goal of assisting with needs and encouraging the members. They have especially targeted the young adults and teens in areas where the number of young people is very few. Landon has led singing, taught classes, and preached at several churches. At times, due to Covid, resourcefulness in creativity has been a blessing—one Bible class for children involved dressing in costume and recording the story. Summer was filled with teaching at camps, uplifting and encouraging members and many service projects. One of these service projects was providing wood for a widow.
Hispanic Outreach in Arizona
Jesús & Carmen Rodriguez are working part time as consultants with the Hispanic congregations in Arizona and remotely with places in Latin America. They provide training, seminars, lessons, and workshops to those who request it and need help—sometimes in-person and other times remotely. They have partnered with Desert Sands Church of Christ in their outreach to the community by providing an early worship service in Spanish at their location. They also have a ministry online through Facebook and YouTube on Sundays and Wednesdays with an average of 400+ followers per session from all over Arizona and Latin America.
Salt River Church of Christ
Evan Todachine continues to minister to the Salt River church of Christ in Mesa, AZ, as well as focusing on the Apache and Navajo reservations more recently with the COVID-19 struggles. Overall they are doing well and are always thankful for their supporting congregations. The average attendance during the month of October has increased again: Sunday morning from 47 to 58 ; Wednesday night from 35 to 42.
Daniel Fenwick is attending Mesa’s satellite campus of Sunset International Bible Institute (SIBI) to become a preacher. Mesa funds help pay for tuition and books.
WBS is Christians of all ages teaching the Word online and through the mail. Several dedicated teachers at Mesa are involved in teaching with seekers locally and internationally for further study, fellowship and baptism. This is an unlimited opportunity to help people who are asking to understand the Bible.
WEI teaches English to people in order to help them communicate effectively and to gain upward mobility in a world market using the English language. WEI uses Bible stories to illustrate English grammar while sharing the gospel.
World Christian Broadcasting is a non-profit organization supported by concerned Christians whose purpose is to take God’s Word—through mass media—to people who may have no other means of hearing the Good News. The Mesa Church sends funds to this organization to help spread the gospel to the world.